Banks Peninsula Branch
Vintage Car Club

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Banks Peninsula Branch Vintage Car Club

Welcome to the Banks Peninsula Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand, one of the 36 branches nationwide. When joining the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand, each member nominates which branch they belong to. Usually, this would be the nearest branch to their home or it could be because of the type of events each branch holds. Membership of the Vintage Car Club allows members to join in events held by any branch in New Zealand that they are interested in.

Over 40 years ago, a dedicated group of national club members, spurred on with their lust for speed and love of vintage competitive motoring events, decided to ensure motor racing, primarily in the Canterbury area, would be well represented, flourish, and prosper. Thus, the BPVCC Branch was formed and now has over 200 members and not just from where the name suggests, but from all over the country.

With a small working Committee overseeing the running of activities and administration of the Branch, we welcome everyone with the same interest in the preservation and regular use of all Historic, Vintage, Classic, and eligible vehicles, including Motorcycles, Commercial, and Military that make up the nine-period Classes* that our National Organisation has put in place. This non-one-make philosophy creates a fascinating mix of marques and encourages the owners to exercise their pride and joy wherever possible and to share the camaraderie and old vehicle knowledge that our branch membership offers.

Any vehicle which is 30 years old or older is eligible within the Vintage Car Club.


  • Veteran - prior to 31 Dec 1918

  • Vintage - 1919 to 31 Dec 1931

  • Post Vintage - 1932 to 31 Dec 1945

  • Post War - 1946 to 31 Dec 1960

  • Post 1960 - 1961 to 31 Dec 1980

  • Post 1980 - From 1st Jan 1981 to 30 years old

  • Factory-built and Historic Race Cars

  • Period Specials

  • Authentic Reproduction Vehicles


RACE MEETINGS are held regularly at Ruapuna and Levels race tracks, plus our Branch is represented at all the other South Island Circuits. Pre 1965 Saloon, Sports and Single-Seater cars are all eligible, and we are fortunate to have on our Committee an Authorised Adjudicator of Vehicle Identity Cards (VIC) who can help with any technical questions you may have.

MUD AND OFF-ROAD TRIALS, like the infamous 'Balcairn' Annual Event that attracts competitors from all over the South Island to compete in their weird and wonderful Pre 1960 Trials vehicles to endeavour to conquer the 'torturous' tests. A hilarious and dirty fun day for all the family!

NIGHT TRIALS for those who wish to have their navigational and driving skills tested with a light-hearted romp around the local countryside finishing at a reputable hostelry. Of course, ambiguous instructions and devious clues that have to be found or followed are all part of the fun!

GYMKHANA FIELD-TESTS for precise and accurate manoeuvring of vehicles between the flags and all with the stop-watch ticking. Our Hadstock Tests are legendary for sorting out the men from the boys and sometimes the girls showing 'how it's done'! A brilliant day and a case of "more haste, less speed."

GENTEEL 1 DAY RUNS that incorporate all that is good in leisurely automobile touring, taking in the flora and fauna at a modest pace, over alternative road conditions that can sharpen the ability of the pilot, and ensure the navigator has his or her wits about them. The destination may be unknown, but a picnic, Public House, or other places of interest are always on the agenda. Occasional longer 2 to 3 day runs, such as the Monte Carlo Rally, are also held.

HILLCLIMBS & TARMAC SPRINTS have always been a popular Branch activity for all levels of drivers and experience and annual events together with RATEC, such as the Peninsula hill climbs and the prestigious Hawkswood Sprint in association with the Country Gentleman's Historic, Racing & Sportscar Club deliver great action days. These events are renowned for showing and demonstrating at pace, not only exotic machinery but period road & competition cars that will satisfy every petrolhead and enthusiast, whether spectator or competitor.

THE POMEROY TROPHY or our Branch equivalent held at Ruapuna, gives members a chance to have a day on the race track at their own pace, incorporating a set of complex rules that seeks to find the 'ideal' touring vehicle. Based on its English creator Laurence Pomeroy back in the '30s, his formula pitches Maserati against Mini, Morgan against Morris, and everything in between. A brilliant day's entertainment and experience with a competitive edge.

MONTE CARLO RALLY, now a bi-annual event in November, captures the spirit of the original Rallye, starting from a point / time / route of your choice to gain maximum points, ending in the French enclave of Akaroa on a Saturday afternoon with deciding field tests. The evening function, a riotous occasion in full appropriate period costume with dinner and prizegiving, ends a thoroughly entertaining 48 hours of mayhem & non-stop driving - so get your vehicle / crew / equipe prepared now.

GARAGE RAIDS give our members a close-up insight to what can be lurking behind garage doors, be it vehicles already under restoration or private collections that can offer up inspiration to others and also provide technical information and worthwhile knowledge on a variety of those vintage motoring conundrums.


We host a Face-Book page (VCC of NZ Banks Peninsula Branch) helping keep a dialogue with those members more associated with race competition, as well as sending regular emails to our member list. By the way, if you haven't already seen a copy of the bi-monthly publication, 'Beaded Wheels' the official magazine of the NZ Vintage car club, you are missing out on a whole new read - BUT ALL THIS IS INCLUDED IN THE BANKS PENINSULA BRANCH YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION OF JUST $130 FOR NEW MEMBERS. This will reduce from year 2 onwards.


  • Committee:
  • Michael Pidgeon
  • Michael Williams
  • Brian Smith
  • Giles Gill
  • Don Gerrard
  • Mark Barrett

Branch Email:

Branch Postal Address:
7 Kiddy Place,
Christchurch 7614

© 2022 Banks Peninsula Vintage Car Club